Lord Blueberry

JD sendinged mii dis sad nooz.  

By teh thyme this gets postified, Lord Blueberry – CEO of Halfastash Enterprises, makers of invisible racing cars for cats – will have crossed the rainbow bridge.
He is crying constantly, in pain and fear, is suffering from dementia and possibly a cancer.
He will shortly be making his final trip to the vets.
He has always been a noble cat, very dignified except when racing, and it is so sad that he is like this now.
The Nite Watchman will soon take over caring for him, where he will be beyond all his troubles, but it would be greatly appreciated if folks could offer him a final salute, his work in this life now over.

Cali Crosses deh Bridge

MamaCat sendinged mii dis….

MamaCat is sad to report that Cali crossed the bridge this morning. Luckily, her beloved Dr. Julie was available, as it became clear over the weekend that it was time. She kept trying to look at me, even under the sedation, and even though she got the last shot, I could still feel her trying to purr, trying to look at me. I leaned over and whispered, “Daddy is waiting for you” and she sighed, and left.
My eyes have been leaking all day. Cali was born April 8, 2010, of the infamous Zebby. One of five born that day in the lily bed, she quickly took her human mamas heart and was soon installed in the house. She leaves behind a grieving MamaCat, her fur sister Mia, her human brothers Nathan and Jeremy, and six human nieces and nephews, who are grieving as well.
She is now in the Meadow with her human daddy, both waiting until MamaCat comes across the bridge to join them.
“Mai hart is borked.”

Purr Me Amadeus Mozart

I haz recieved dis sad nooz from JD. I iz sure deh Nite Watchman will taking good care of Purr Me Amadeus Mozart.

I am sowwy to announcify dat my kitteh Purr Me Amadeus Mozart has died. Last night, he slipped into a coma and died. He’d had dementia for some time.
The rescue shelter he came from originally thought him dead when they found him – his fur was so matted and dirty he could barely move, and he was terribly thin.
Even with years of help, he never re-learned how to clean himself and regained only limited mobility. What mattered, though, was that he learned he could be loved.

Help Ukrainian Refugees

Want to help the Ukrainians? Here is an American in Poland who is helping refugees. If you donate, 100% of the money goes straight to her, no middlemen involved, no overhead, she will use all of it to buy supplies.

Click here to donate : https://blog.quiltedtwins.com/checkout/donate?donatePageId=6219bfe953ec255bec8d778c

Click here to read her recent blog post:  Updated to correct blog address. 